I don't like green beans. ... Well I don't.
Some of us need to hustle so we can squeal into swallow group at the designated time of 7:30. If I was ever on time for swallow group I feel like I should get a bonus. Or at least a homemade cookie. But probably my self-pride in being punctual would carry the exact same annoyance value to my coworkers as my being 5 minutes late. Alors, no cookie! I have to work Sat. and Sun. but I have a date with Neil tomorrow! Yipee! And he has 2 new UA applications pending. One potentially involves handling blood ... in the name of scientific research ... it sounds tres interestiing. And also: I got an A on my calculus test! Which I still am in shock over! OK, now I really have to go, even though I would like to sit here for at least 30 more minutes. I don't even know what's happening in the news. I think employment is designed to keep people ignorant of what goes on! Except maybe Dennis and Neil.
I haven't yet read this story, but that doesn't mean you can't.
I'm very proud of your A. And Dennis and Neil make the rest of us look bad, no?
Congrats on your calculus grade! I'm sending good vibes towards a great new job for Neil.
You are my Calculus Hero.
Calculus Smalculus. I am impressed.
Thank you for your calculus support. Neil applied for an office assistant job in the Computer Science Department! That would be so cool.
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