Saturday, October 22, 2005

"Hon, I have a question"

A la Neil: If the contents of person A's mind were downloaded -- every single memory, etc. -- and then that material was uploaded into the mind of person B, whose brain was as yet untouched, would person B then be the same person that person A had been?


Anonymous said...

No because person B would have both A and B contents and an incredible headache.

Person A would be way boring.

Don't do it.

Emily said...

Personality is unique from memory and thoughts, but let's test the hypothesis. Neil?

PS -- did you mean to only allow blogger comments? My madre tried to post a comment, but she had to try to register first and it really blew her mind. She wasn't even interested in my blog after that. Did I tell you I started a blog? That is the worst work in the English language. It's gross. Anyway, you can change it in your settings to allow other and anonymous comments. Oh wait, there just was an anonymous comment. I'm confused.

Emily said...

The worst WORD in the language. That's what I meant. Lo yeen ish fleeg.

Neil and Diana said...

Lo yeen! Amye, I don't know why you had trouble at that time. At this time, anonymous can't post anymore because it's annoying to not know who wrote stuff. Registering should be fairly easy, but if it's a problem I'll change it back. Just let me know.

Unknown said...

I don't think so because person B's brain would work differently and thus make different sense of all the information downloaded from person B. On the basis that no two brains are identical, no two people would be.

Neil and Diana said...

person b is a precise copy/clone of person a. anyway, even if b's brain didn't work exactly the same as a's, b would still have the memory of having been a. so, q: if i remember having had been me, isn't that enough to make me now me?

Emily said...

So there's a million dollars in one box and a hundred dollars in another box.....

If Neil's memories were downloaded (uploaded?) into my brain, would I be as philosophical as he?

I think you should bring back anonymous comments. Embrace the messiness of life--that's what Brad Pitt always says. Embrace anonymity. (The liver disease comment yesterday was almost certainly from Ryan.)

Neil and Diana said...

wrong box on ryan. wethinks it be geri t.

Lindsay said...

Ass, they wouldn't be a PERSON if their brain was UNTOUCHED.


An individual of specified character: a person of importance.
The composite of characteristics that make up an individual personality; the self.