Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Hi. I don't have to get up for work tomorrow. The weather is not quite as cold as last week. It's pretty much in the mid-60s during the day. Does anyone know what it means when your Toyota Camry has to be revved to go after every single red light? I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow and it would be really sweet if the answer involved spark plugs. I have major aspirations to go the gym all the time, starting soon, and also yoga. All the time. Starting soon. I have middlin' aspirations to play the guitar. And get more massages.


Emily said...


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Just this week I was thinking I need to learn to play the guitar. A friend of ours sang and played his guitar in Sunday School last Sunday, of all places. I thought that I should/could also have that skill. It does seem much harder than playing the piano, though. Amye

abby said...

Jamie says torque converter or fuel filter.

Sarah said...

yeah, I totally agree with Jamie.

Neil and Diana said...

Tucson Car Care reports that it's something to do with the signal ... which is computerized ... and relates to the transmission ... which circumstantially needs new fluid. Maybe that's the exact same thing as what Jamie says. Anyway, I'm hoping to get it back tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Barb Michelen--we see right through you. You didn't go to the airport.

Amye--if you can play piano, you can definitely play guitar. Three chords and the truth.

Diana--I thought fluid and computers don't mix?

Godfreys, Tebos, et al.--happy new year! I hope you're all doing great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Great to read your words! Amye

Unknown said...

Same to you, Matt! And to you too, Amye! Happy new year to all!

Anonymous said...

Diana, Dr. Schaeur (sp) was a clinician at the State Music Convention today. I went up to her to say hi and reintroduce myself, but she grabbed my hand and said she knew who I was. She did a very good clinic with a HS freshmen boys choir. Amye