Friday, July 27, 2007

abject longing

Will somebody please visit and make a quilt with me? It's too hard to do on my own. The thingy that is supposed to hold the spool broke off (it's plastic; I mean, come on) and my attempts to super-glue it back on only resulted in permanently securing the handle in the "down" position. Anyway, I wound a bobbin myself, because it fits on a different thingy, but I don't think I wound it right because I can't maintain a stitch line. So ... I would be grateful if someone would help me. I would make chocolate chip cookies. And Neil maybe would make his famous grilled cheese.


Anonymous said...

Diana, it's so refreshing to see a new post from you. I want to sew with you. I'll call you when I get home from Utah.

Neil and Diana said...

Yay! Thank you! Speaking of Utah, I can't wait to see Pearl!

Anonymous said...

You are so cute... It is about time that you updated your site! I can't really help you in the sewing department since I am still working through my own frustrations there, but I would still love some chocolate chip cookies and a grilled cheese. Is that a sewing-helpers-only offer????

Neil and Diana said...

Not in the least. In fact, the only requirement for non-sewing-helper visitors is that they throw a glance to the sewing machine and the quilt-to-be that is pinned together nearby. I think that's fair. You and your kin are welcome any time!

Emily said...

Um, Neil's grilled cheese is a misnomer. And, I know nothing about your sewing problems, but I want to come with Heather to partake of the deliciousness.

Anonymous said...

Misnomer? Is the sewingless snack fest being misrepresented??? I shall not complain however, no matter how deranged the "grilled cheese" turns out. Let me know a free weekend for the par-tay, and I will drive down and bring some deranged food of my own as well.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, Emily! And, I must tell you something about Ms. Heather. She was one of three faculty who were voted on to be selected as "Achievement Above All" at our school this year. We found out today another faculty member will receive the award, but to be considered is a top honor! Congrats, Heather!

Emily said...

That's awesome, Heather! And I'm just saying that 'grilled cheese' denotes one thing, and N's sandwiches are another: more like gourmet panini.

Anonymous said...

My sincerest apologies to Neil and his gourmet grilled cheese. I seem to always think most people are like me and are incapable of preparing food that is decent enough to serve to others. Perhaps Neil can offer lessons. Thank you Amye and Emily, but it really is not that big of a deal. I think people were nominating random teachers and one of those random teachers just happened to be me. If Abby has time to read this I just wanted to say congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter!

Neil and Diana said...

Heather, I doubt you were nominated in a random drawing. You all, including Pearl, are welcome to visit at any juncture and partake of gourmet panini, everlasting friendship, and the woes of my sewing machine!

abby said...

Thanks Heather! And congrats to you!

I'm glad Pearl is ignorant to the gourmet panini she will surely not be able to eat for 6 months or so.