Tuesday, November 15, 2005

in response to emily

I got a haircut last tuesday. and neil and I rearranged the furniture! I like it a lot. and I set up a sewing machine but I'm afraid to see if it works because there is a 75% chance that I didn't thread the needle correctly. we have cream soda in the refrigerator. neil is a star. we like to go to dunkin' donuts on the weekend. after thanksgiving, I think, neil has a week and a half left of college before finals! my friend anne dreamed last night that she was on her home street in california and a 30 ft. crocodile emerged from nowhere and ate the neighbor. I dreamed about wheel of fortune. neil will come home soon and I will make him pizza.


Emily said...

See, there's nothing boring there!

Neil and Diana said...

yes and the excitement really heated up when the sewing machine just whirred and gave me no clue as to the problem, even when I found the phillips head and took it apart. neil is watching a silent film with a windmill.

Anonymous said...

Is the wheel on the right side tightened? It could be loose for bobbin/winding.

Anonymous said...

Uh, that's me on the bobbin.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe y'all are doing Dunkin Donuts on the weekend, too! That's mine and Jon's thing!!! I feel affronted.

Neil and Diana said...

we went to d.d. in boston in summer '04 and, uh, we didn't see you there.

Emily said...

Per your profile page: you got a new what??

Neil and Diana said...

"Hi. We have a new puppy." is actually a direct quote from a 3-ish neighbor who greeted me (d) on the sidewalk Sunday. Someday we'll have a puppy too.

Anonymous said...

What would you name your puppy?

Anonymous said...

You two have a charmed life! Is the puppy more Neil's or Diana's idea? The last time Neil was around an animal (except for Tebo's dog) was when Sarah had a disturbed cat in the mid 80s. George, a girl cat, would not stay off the cupboard, tore open bags of bread, hissed, and was generally unpleasant. We also had a parakeet, but that was pre-Neil. Dennis was ranting one time and accidentally threw the darn bird and its cage on the floor. End of bird. We've had fish that died. We had a turtle Neil liked that escaped under the fence when we lived on Becker Lane. Which brings me to this: I saw a mid-sized turtle swimming in the pool the other day, and it occurred to me that it was Neil's old pet. I scooped it out in the net, put it on the rocks, and haven't seen it since. Anyway, Neil's history with pets has been minimal.

Emily said...

Why does Sarah still get all the credit for that stinking cat? I fed it, I pet it (petted?), it clearly loved me best. Who knows? I may have even funded its being put to sleep. Georgia the cat, RIP.

Neil and Diana said...

technically, I want a puppy more than neil does, but he is the one who decided to use that quote in our profile. We had a terrier (?) in '87 named Tootsie [Roll] who was a great idea until nobody could enter the back yard without getting mauled. Take-away: If dog then training. If we ever get a dog we'll probably need to see it before we can name it, but "Skeletor" might be a good one.

Neil and Diana said...


Anonymous said...

I have a hard time believing that emily loved GEORGIA (her real name)more than me. She was feisty, and I'll admit somewhat uncuddly - which was not exactly what I had in mind when I picked her out at the pound, but I don't recall emily being the primary care-giver. After all, she did live in the basement with Ryan and me. I must admit, she scared me with her red-devilish eyes everytime I walked down there in the dark. Sometimes I would have to force myself not to look at her for fear she would pounce me. But I still loved her and was sad when she died. By the way, What's with Emily paying for that? I thought emily's money was strictly for a haircut and clothes. Not the laying down of cats.

Anonymous said...

i have no memory of a "georgia."