java in c
I am listening to a cd with "yoga" music I like this song because it has the sound of a meandering stream and birds and soft little bells and stuff.
I am learning c rather painstakingly I mean it's not that hard but it's also not java. But it's not that hard because I know java. But that's why it's painstaking ... because it's not java.
Speaking of java, I am doing tomorrow's c assignment as a break from java. We have an assignment due Thursday that is an extendible directory and file of binary records. Except the directory points to the hashtable, which points to the file. And it changes dynamically. And somehow my array of DirectoryObjects, when they get in the range of 1,000,000, take up too much space. So I need to A. make them smaller, B. not make them if they're not used, or C. Convert my entire program to support a different data structure. I think A is improbable and C is the smartest solution. Therefore, I'll probably go with B.
I took a bubble bath, which made me feel nice. And walked to the coffee shop. I like how neil prunes the houseplants. It reminds me of The Karate Kid. I am stressed out from school and whatever but that is just on the surface. Like how when you cut the mold off cheese the rest of it is fine. That was an inapt analogy, in part since cheese can get old and hard, irrespective of its mold status. I am happy. At Raging Sage I had a plum cake that was really good.
Wish me luck on my c encryption code!
I love coffee, I love tea. I love the java jive and it loves me. Coffee and tea and the java and me, a cup, a cup, a cup. a cup....
i wish i knew what c is. i mean, besides not being java. the karate kid thing made me laugh.
good luck! i miss u. please come over. am i seeing u at christmas?
First of all, what a nice surprise to see a post from you. I check almost every day, and it has been WEEKS!
Then, I wish I understood your computer talk. You leave me in the dark, but I am glad there are people like you in the world who understand that language. I'm still having happy thoughts about the nice times we had last weekend.
I was playing "Java Jive" in class this week. I have a friend from Australia whose college group recorded that song, and it's great. Manhattan Transfer does a mean version, too. And I've seen them perform it live. Twice.
Keep up the posting thing.
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