Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

1. If the presidential candidates are so concerned with how to campaign in Iowa through the holiday season without being too negative, getting on people's nerves and killing the holiday spirit, why don't they do some CHARITY WORK -- and shamelessly make sure it gets press?

2. Do men's bathrooms also have changing tables? If not, I understand that it would be kind of a waste of money, but what are dads supposed to do when they are at In-N-Out with their infants?

3. I heard a funny song on KXCI (local Tucson station) yesterday whose subject matter included hullabaloo and tuberculosis.

4. Neil dreamed about Guantanamo last night.

5. vestiges of Halloween


Emily said...

I like toitles, too. Smart zombie.

abby said...

That made me laugh out loud.

abby said...

P.S. You find the best videos.

Unknown said...

Jon seconds your Iowa point.