Saturday, September 01, 2007

such as and


Emily said...

I personally believe that, a lot of US Americans play too much, such as, Grand Theft Auto, and the Iraq, I mean, Halo and such as, and do not have time to go to the store and buy maps, for the children in South Africa. And Asian countries, such as, for the children.

Emily said...

P.S. My heart is overflowing with sympathy for the poor girl.

Neil and Diana said...

Wow, Emily, you should definitely compete. Definitely.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!! We were laughing so hard at this spoof. The real contestant definitely is a case of someone getting through life based on their looks. When she had a 2nd opportunity to answer the question on the Today show she STILL didn't really answer the question. A much better video than the chocolate rain which I couldn't even get past 31 seconds of.

Neil and Diana said...

whois: anonymous?