Sunday, February 19, 2006


we saw p & p (with the lovely mr. and mrs. tebo). neil found the storyline to be akin to "pablum," and was gratified to find, upon later research, that one mark twain was of similar assessment. diana countered neil and mark's assertion with, "yes, but what do you expect; it's jane austen." diana was pleased by the endless shots of misty countrysides and sunny interiors, as well as the smoldering countenance of mr. d (who, incidentally, bears resemblance to one mr. g). neil found some small solace in keira knightley, but was generally bored by the overall absence of ennui and subversion.


neil said...

that's pretty funny, honey. actually i'm bored of kk too. i just like when she says "i'm a boun-ty hunt-ah" in the trailer for whatever that crappy movie is.

Emily said...

Did you just use that word (ennui) because I played it in Scrabble and you remembered what a great word it is?

Neil and Diana said...

quite possibly. at the same time, when you played it in scrabble, it made me think of a subject common to non-harrison ford movies.

Neil and Diana said...

Neil,how can you rank P & P so far below the Forty-Year-Old Virgin?


Emily said...

Wait. doesn't ennui mean boredom?

Neil and Diana said...

yes -- nobody in p & p viewed life as a series of banal events which did little to punctuate the numb revolutions of conscious thought.

Unknown said...

mmm p and p